triangular distribution

英 [traɪˈæŋɡjələ(r) ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn] 美 [traɪˈæŋɡjələr ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn]

网络  三角形分布; 三角分配; 三角分布; 三角形分佈; 三角形分配



  1. An Structural Analysis of the Double Triangular Groove of Radial Piston Pump Oil Distribution Axle
  2. Overlapping computation for water distribution uniformity of triangular combination by using water distribution data of single sprinkler
  3. In case the spectrum of incident beam is a function of triangular form, we calculated the spectral distribution of transmission through the F-P etalon with a computer.
  4. After converting the measurements of detector, such as radar, in ball coordinate system to the measurements in triangular rectangular coordinates system, the error distribution ruler will be changed.
  5. It is proved that the transinformation of channels can be precisely represented by means of analytic formulas, if the probability density of signal and noise is either uniform distribution or triangular distribution.
  6. MHD equilibria of tokamaks with a droplet-shaped cross section ( an elliptic cross section with some triangular deformation) have been dealt with in this paper, all equilibrium solution and the current distribution in external coils required by producing the appropriate configuration are presented.
  7. Patterns of monopulse arrays with triangular amplitude distribution
  8. Based on the conventional definite calculating method and the random character of drilling process and cost, triangular distribution is used to describe the cost.
  9. We give the specific method to find the optimal solution with triangular demand distribution.
  10. To solve the above problem, we can use double triangular groove on the oil distribution axle to bring forward the transition process of the sealed chamber and connect the oil input pipe with the oil output pipe.
  11. In some computational examples in order to understand how structure enters into the elasto-plastic state a step loading system in inverted triangular distribution is introduced.
  12. It proves and explains physically that for conventional electronic counters, the counting error obeys triangular distribution rather than uniform distribution. Furthermore, discussion is also given to other common errors and its distribution pattern of digital measuring instruments.
  13. The schedule and cost risks of water resources projects are discussed, and a stochastic simulation model for risk evaluation of network schedule and cost is established based on the triangular distribution.
  14. Applying the inverted triangular distribution of lateral force to the cantilever column of constant section, and the displaced shape of the column is regarded as the initial mode of lateral displacement.
  15. Improvement and application of the triangular distribution method of Monte Carlo simulation
  16. At the same time, this method needs the membership function using the full overlap, triangular, uniform distribution. Consequently, all fuzzy rules have to share the same importance degree. This is not true in practice.
  17. The background project has been analyzed using the analysis method for embedded steel-concrete joints based on the triangular and rectangular distribution of reaction.
  18. Four kinds of analysis, including the modal pushover analysis, the inverted triangular distribution pushover analysis, the basic-mode pushover analysis and the time history analysis, are performed on a continuous rigid bridge with different height of piers.
  19. The schedule and cost model obeyed triangular distribution and was sampled by Latin Hypercube Sampling Method to generate initial data.
  20. In this paper, the jump magnitude which meets the log uniform distribution is further modified to meet the so-called "triangular distribution".
  21. The thesis has developed two key technologies of cultivating vessel conducted in-depth study with ANSYS finite element analysis. First, the contact pressure distribution of the supporting ring structure was researched and analyzed; triangular distribution of contact stress distribution is more realistic conclusions.
  22. Two thermal models were presented for ultra-high speed grinding. They were respectively uniform heat flux distribution model and triangular heat flux distribution model.
  23. In addition, we give a simple method to estimate trapezoidal and triangular possibility distribution.
  24. The samples prepared were characterized by transmission electron microscopy ( TEM). It was found that several different shapes including sphere, rod, triangular cone of CdS nanocrystals with different size distribution were successfully synthesized.